Can’t live under the roof of a lizards. Want to get rid of lizards from your house ? Let’s see 11 easy ways to repel lizards without using chemicals. Safe for people and pets Plus it gets good results.
Lizards are not poisonous animals. But it can equally be a nuisance to the homeowner. Both singing Shh…shh…shh Familiar with clinging to the walls of the house. Followed by small piles of poop scattered in various corners that were extremely dirty. I want to get rid of lizards from my house. But I still have to endure seeing him flash by all the time. Today, has compiled 11 easy ways to keep lizards out of the house. Let’s try them out.
1. Spray water to repellent.An easy way to get rid of lizards that like to cling to walls is by adding water to a foggy or a water gun left over from Songkran. Then spray it in the area where the lizard is clinging. Then aim the tip of the water sprayer to hit the lizard’s four legs. Because the water will replace the vacuum and cause the lizard to cling to the wall and not be able to stand it.
2. Knock with a stickIt’s a simple method that many households have done and it’s effective. Just grab a broom or a nearby tool and tap the area where the lizard is perched. so that the lizard will be frightened and run away. It is best to limit the lizard’s escape route by knocking it near a window or door. So that the lizard can easily leave the house, no longer having to run around in the house.
3. Lemon peelLemon peel left over from cooking Can be used as another option to repel lizards. Use lemon peel to rub it into the area where the lizard is clinging. Lizards that don’t like the smell and burning sensation of the acid in lemons will eventually scatter.
4. CamphorAn easy way to get rid of lizards is to just put a camphor bag in a place where lizards are often found running around. Just this, the naughty lizards and small insects such as ants and cockroaches will gradually disappear from our homes. implicitly
5. KeroseneThis is another simple method where people in the house may have to put up with the pungent smell for a bit because lizards also don’t appreciate the strong smell of kerosene. To do this, use a damp cloth to wrap a long stick and soak it in kerosene. Then poke the stick near the lizard that is perched on it. The lizard can’t stand the smell and runs away.
6. Raise a catWho would believe that raising a cat would also help repel lizards? But this method probably appeals to many cat slaves. Because having a cat will make lizards afraid to come into the house. Because of the cat’s hobby of chasing lizards. Makes the victim so afraid that they don’t dare show up.
7. Herbal liquid
If you want an herbal liquid that will help repel lizards. Try to find equal parts of sage leaves and custard apple leaves, pound them to produce a pungent odor and then wrap them in a cloth. Then hang it in the area where the lizard is clinging. We guarantee that the smell will make the lizards wave goodbye to our house.
8. Lizard repellent spray
For anyone who doesn’t have equipment to make herbal medicine. Currently, both herbal liquids and ready-made lizard repellent sprays are available for sale. You can buy it at herbal stores. Or you can order through various online stores yourself. โปรโมชั่น ufabet
9. Get rid of insects
It is another indirect method that is effective. Because lizards often eat insects as food, it is important to get rid of insects and keep the house clean at all times. will make the lizard hungry Until you realize that your house has no food and is no longer livable.
10. Sweep and shovel away.
If you’ve tried many methods, the lizard is still stuck and won’t go anywhere. This time it must be a little physical. By using a broom to knock the lizard off the wall. and supported with a powder scoop It would be even better if it had a lid. Because the lizard will not run away and disappear. Then take the lizard and leave it outside the house. Then it’s better to say goodbye.
11. Sound waves repel lizards
Another thing that lizards are afraid of is Sending sound waves disturbs their nervous system. But it is not dangerous to people in the house or pets. Which now has both a device for plugging into an electrical outlet and an application on a smartphone that can be downloaded to try out first.